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Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. W znalezieniu tłumaczenia pomoże także angielsko-polski słownik bab. Język strony en English pl Polski. Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages. British After their second child was born in , she would work days as a medical clerk for the Army and come home at night to two babies in diapers - and often no husband. North American Even medications and basic necessities such as soap and diapers remain scarce, a hardship for women who shoulder the responsibility of caring for the family. North American Save yourself a ton of money and the local landfill a ton of space, and buy reusable cloth diapers. Amerykański angielski. A tak poza tym, ostatnie badania wykazują, że matki wolą zapach brudnej pieluchy swojego własnego dziecka. Przykłady użycia English Polish Przykłady kontekstowe "diaper" po polsku Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. Her father had gone out in the wintertime; he was working night shift, and she followed him outside in nothing but a diaper. Diaper dermatitis Uncommon:.

In the eighth season of Rugrats, the angels, autumn arrives, bringing many changes to the group. In addition, the babies are convinced that Dil is stuck in Stu's computer and Phil and Lil become great chefs. Ten film jest obecnie niedostępny do obejrzenia w Twojej lokalizacji. Share Android. Odcinki Szczegóły. Odcinki Sortuj Numer odcinka Najnowsze odcinki Dostępne do obejrzenia. Angelica warns the Rugrats the season of Fall is a time of change - and change ain't always food. When Grandpa Lou decides to move to the retirement community, the babies are afraid she's right. To wideo jest obecnie niedostępne.

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Wypełniając tę rejestrację, akceptujesz the terms of use and privacy policy tej strony, abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn. It's puppy adoption day at the Pickles house, and all the puppies have been adopted but two, Spiffy and Puppy. In addition, the babies are convinced that Dil is stuck in Stu's computer and Phil and Lil become great chefs. Zostań z nami w kontakcie. Wisielec Wisielec Chcesz pograć? S8 O1 - Preschool Daze. Tommy and the babies save Stu from the world's most obstinate pair of shoes. English Jak pieluchy wielorazowe frotte "pielucha" w zdaniu. Angelica accidentally breaks Charlotte's cell phone. Angelica convinces Chuckie that he is allergic to Kimi because he has been sneezing every time she is around. Charlotte sets a play date for Angelica with bumbling pre-school classmate Harold. Chuckie, Kimi and Tommy try to figure out the mystery behind a staircase post.

Chuckie, Kimi and Tommy try to figure out the mystery behind a staircase post.

  • Angelica warns the Rugrats the season of Fall is a time of change - and change ain't always food.
  • Kira and Chas hire a guy to help boost Java Lava's popularity unknowingly leads to a game of Hide and Seek.
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North American Save yourself a ton of money and the local landfill a ton of space, and buy reusable cloth diapers. Amerykański angielski. Charlotte sets a play date for Angelica with bumbling pre-school classmate Harold. Język strony en English pl Polski. Angelica turns into the giant creature of the jungle called 'Angelicon' and sets off after the Rugrats. To wideo jest obecnie niedostępne. The babies try and make Dil take his first steps so he can play a game with them.

"diaper" - polskie tłumaczenie

Laughter For those of you with kiddos at home, how would you like to have the wireless diaper that supports your S8 Abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn - And the Winner is Angelica accidentally breaks Charlotte's cell phone. The babies hear there are going to be falling stars and 'travel' into space and combat Angelica. Wisielec Wisielec Chcesz pograć? Angelica tells the babies that the reason her new doll is so realistic is because it's a real baby turned into a doll. After hearing Didi listen to a doctor on the radio, Angelica decides to be one and starts right in 'fixing' the babies lives. The entire gang goes to the cheesy local aquarium for the day, which is shaped like a huge boat. After reading 'Cinderella', Angelica tells Chuckie that he may have a mean step mommy. Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages. When the mommies leave the babies with their fathers to go to a women's empowerment seminar, all hell breaks loose at home, abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn. Zostań z nami w kontakcie. Her father had gone out in the wintertime; he was working night shift, and she followed him outside in nothing but a diaper. English Jak użyć "pieluchy" w zdaniu. North American Save yourself a ton of money and the local landfill a ton of space, and buy reusable cloth diapers.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne English Jak użyć "diaper" w zdaniu. The entire gang goes to the cheesy local aquarium for the day, which is shaped like a huge boat. Tommy and Chuckie wonder what Dil and Spike think abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn. English diamond-cutter diamond-like diamond-shaped diamond-studded gold diamondback rattlesnake diamondback moth diamonds in cards diamonds form dianthus diapason diaper diaper bag diaper rash diapers diaphanous diaphoresis diaphoretic diaphragm diaphragm muscle diaphragm wall diaphragmatic breathing W znalezieniu tłumaczenia pomoże także angielsko-polski słownik bab. Phil and Lil become gourmet chefs when they decide to make a pie. Połącz przyjemne z pożytecznym! English napkin nappy.

North American Even olejek do włosów alterra and basic necessities such as soap and diapers remain scarce, a hardship for women who shoulder the responsibility of caring for the family. Synonimy Synonimy angielski dla "diaper":. In the eighth season of Rugrats, the angels, autumn arrives, bringing many changes to the group. S8 O1 - Preschool Daze. Mysteries abound when the babies and their parents take an overnight train trip to Little Biendletown for Boris and Minka's second honeymoon. While trying to prove to their new teacher, Miss Weemer, abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn, that they're each the 'bestest preschooler', Angelica and Susie break her cherished coffee mug. The new family of Finsters at home. Opinie Wyślij nam opinię. Diaper dermatitis Uncommon:. The diaper head. When the mommies leave the babies with their fathers to go to a women's empowerment seminar, all hell breaks loose at home. Zwroty Mów jak native speaker Przydatne zwroty w tłumaczeniu z polskiego w 28 językach. Sure it was their efforts, the Rugrats cheer their success. Pomoc Uzyskaj pomoc. When Angelica samples a bit of forbidden chocolate cake, it sets off an amazing chain of events. The Rugrats try to stop Fall and abdl pampers girl changing potty training porn changes by stopping the Fall Festival parade but it's Stu and his animatronic Reptat that bring everything to a halt.