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Everyone has changed a lot. Even the boss of the altar has become more damaging with his mouth! After a while, another shadow appeared next to the Lord of the Altar. Compared with the Lord of the Altar, the shadow was not as graceful and graceful as the Lord of the Altar, but it brought more surprises than the Lord of the Altar. Appear many times more. Have you already thought of the answer to that question? Besides, if the environment changes, maybe the answer can be figured out quickly, and there are also acquaintances of mine here. Although it was vague, we guessed it was you. Why are you still pretending to be surprised? The altar boss has not said a word since the old man appeared. As outsiders, their appearance in the Red Phoenix Realm was originally a secret matter. They have only been away for a few months. In just a few months, has the boss become so familiar with the old man from the ancient palace? During this time, we have been getting along day and night, what secrets can there be?

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hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

No biggie. Dong Yue kingdom. With four sides pacified, the country prospered and people were living in peace. Everywhere appeared to be booming. Inside the manor of the imperial secretary Qu was unusually bustling with noise and excitement. It was said a certain powerful figure with peerless talent was going to pay a visit.

Hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce. Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce - Chapter 1 - Wattpad

Lying for ten days to half a month would be enough to restore! No biggie. The result…… forget about it. Inside the manor of the imperial secretary Qu was unusually bustling with noise and excitement. He resembled a misty white cloud above the green hill that quietly emanated water under the dim light of night……. Glossary Styling :. Check new glossary. Anyaway, today was her best opportunity to escape ——. Since she came upon this opportunity by coincidence, beside taking few paper baknotes she had nothing else. She heard that today the eighth prince who was quite liked by top-notch powerful figures in imperial court will autobella szampon samochodowy plad. Chapter 9. Chapter The Crazy Rules That is stressful, hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce. Even the boss of the altar has become more damaging with his mouth! You must be logged in to post a comment.

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  • Chapter Gentle words can still drive one mad.
  • Afterwards, she bit her delicate lip.
  • Anyaway, today was her best opportunity to escape ——.
  • Under the long eyelashes flickered a pair of clear and clever big eyes.
  • Report Story.
  • Glossary Styling :.


Chapter 3. Have you already thought of the answer to that question? Later on, she waited for an opportunity to step on a branch of small tree that was almost on the verge of collapsing. She has tried to escape for two years. He had no time to pay attention to her.

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hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce

Text Lang :. It was said a certain powerful figure with peerless talent was going to pay a visit. Log in Sign Up. Then, in a high speed, she made a knot and went toward the hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce rockery that was aside to climb up. The altar boss has not said a word since the old man appeared. Chapter Gentle words can still drive one mad. He had no time to pay attention to her. Chapter 9. Background Dawn Day Dusk Night. Everywhere appeared to be booming. Appear many times more. Discover now. Yet, she has failed for every single time. Compared with the Lord of the Altar, the shadow was not as graceful and graceful as the Lord of the Altar, but it brought more surprises than the Lord of the Altar.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Chapter 3. Compared with the Lord of the Altar, the shadow was not as graceful and graceful as the Lord of the Altar, but it brought more surprises than the Lord of the Altar. She has tried to escape for two years. In her eyes flashed a hint of grievance. Chapter 8.

Chapter Since she came upon szampon koloryzujący z henną opportunity by coincidence, beside taking few paper baknotes she had nothing else. Dong Yue kingdom. Login Register. Darn it! Chapter The Crazy Rules That is stressful. Afterwards, she bit her delicate lip. During this time, we have been getting along day and night, what secrets can there be? Anyaway, today was her best opportunity to escape ——. Maybe one day when she gets a bad mood and would want to jump into a river, commit suicide by cutting throat, hang herself or drink a poison, perhaps then she will have a dog shit luck and time-travel back. Even the boss of the altar has become more damaging with his mouth! It made people feel intimidated by just looking at it, hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce. He had no time to pay attention to her. She heard that today the so called father of hers would hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce very busy. Have you already thought of the answer to that question? Under the long eyelashes flickered a pair of clear and clever big eyes. Inside the manor of the imperial secretary Qu was unusually bustling with noise and excitement. Chapter 44 : Deadly. Besides, if the environment changes, maybe the answer can be figured out quickly, and there are also acquaintances of mine here.

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce

hilarious pampered consort lord i will wait for your divorce