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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The book deals with a new and challenging subject: translation of stylized texts. The material is quite exotic: Kahlil Gibran, an American writer of Arab origin, is not somebody every philologist would know. This alone places the book in a class of its own. But it stands out in many other respects, for instance, in terms of the scope of linguistic and literary fields touched upon: theory of literature, poetics and aesthetics, mystical writing and Oriental poetry, wisdom literature and Sufi philosophy, functional stylistics, and above alltranslation. The list is quite impressive and definitely shows the authors' erudition and the attempt to present the subject in its globality. The article investigates the experience of job-loss and the following unemployment. Based on the ethnographic research conducted in Valenza, Italy, between and , the article challenges an interpretation of unemployment as a liminal phase. I argue former workers experience unemployment as a " Limbo " — an existential condition underpinned by the ambiguity of being and at the same time not-being a worker. The exploration of this " Limbo " sheds light on the emotional, physical and symbolic labour that laid-off workers undertake facing their new condition.

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Na 5 minut i 29 sekund przed końcową syreną pod kosz wchodzi Barbora Balintova i celnym lay-upem zdobywa 69 punkt dla swojej drużyny. W tym momencie przewaga obrończyń tytułu wynosi 10 punktów. Od tej chwili coś się zacina w dotychczas dobrze pracującej gdyńskiej maszynie. Do końca regulaminowego czasu gry koszykarki Arki nie trafiają już ani razu, a policzanki po serii wyrównują stan meczu. Przez 1,5 minuty żadna z ekip nie potrafi przedziurawić kosza rywalek , chociaż na 4 sekundy przed syreną atakują mistrzynie Polski, ale Laura Miskiniene traci piłkę przez niecelne podanie. Na kosz szarżuje Aaryn Ellenberg-Wiley ale spieszy się i rzuca z połowy boiska. Na szczęście dla Arki niecelnie. Zawodniczki Gundarsa Vetry gonią wynik, ale gospodynie są zawsze krok przed nimi.

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Add to word list Add to word list. Information and messages. She wrote the pamphlet, "Grow Your Own Vegetables. The glossy pamphlet gives details of what the drug can do, and what its side effects are. The new government pamphlet is entitled "Corporate Bankruptcy". The possibility remains, however, that the pamphlet was not used in performance but served a purely symbolic purpose. In other retail contexts, such as a jewelry shop, such expert knowledge is often dispensed freely by salespersons or via printed materials such as pamphlets. It is an effective tool for quick title searches, for the output of a publisher, for book series, for pamphlets, for an elusive author. In the longer term, however, it arguably placed the credibility of the phenomena reported in newspapers and pamphlets under growing strain. He wrote prolifically, publishing his ideas in books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers. The collection includes 10, monographs, over indexed periodicals and newspapers, approximately 24, posters and about 85, pamphlets. Most of his contributions are scattered in occasional pamphlets or in unfinished manuscripts. Extracts from prospectors' diaries, those of their wives, and a range of contemporary books and pamphlets are used to describe cooking and preparation techniques. By contrast the occasional pamphlets represent a single performance and hence often specify such matters as instrumentation. The pamphlet suggests transport solutions after having stopped driving and lists sources of information about alternative means. Regular newsletters and journals are published, as well as leaflets, pamphlets, books and computer programs. In the pamphlet she links manners and morals, approving the substitution of manners for morals because this provides formal guidance for conduct. Anonymously authored pamphlets were hardly the most serious obstacles that the state's informers and their police partners in licensed crime had to overcome. The pamphlets demonstrate the 'marginalisation' of the plan to transform local government by creating a 'municipal science'.

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