
It is the largest country in the world by area , extending across eleven time zones. It shares land boundaries with fourteen countries. The country's capital as well as its largest city is Moscow. Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city and cultural capital. Rus' ultimately disintegrated, with the Grand Duchy of Moscow growing to become the Tsardom of Russia. By the early 18th century, Russia had vastly expanded through conquest, annexation, and the efforts of Russian explorers , developing into the Russian Empire , which remains the third-largest empire in history. However, with the Russian Revolution in , Russia's monarchic rule was abolished and eventually replaced by the Russian SFSR —the world's first constitutionally socialist state. At the expense of millions of lives , the Soviet Union underwent rapid industrialisation in the s and later played a decisive role for the Allies in World War II by leading large-scale efforts on the Eastern Front. With the onset of the Cold War , it competed with the United States for global ideological influence. The Soviet era of the 20th century saw some of the most significant Russian technological achievements , including the first human-made satellite and the first human expedition into outer space. A new constitution was adopted, which established a federal semi-presidential system. Since the turn of the century, Russia's political system has been dominated by Vladimir Putin , under whom the country has experienced democratic backsliding and a shift towards authoritarianism. Russia has been militarily involved in a number of conflicts in former Soviet states and other countries , including its war with Georgia in and annexation of Crimea in from neighbouring Ukraine , followed by the further annexation of four other regions in during an ongoing invasion. Internationally, Russia ranks among the lowest in measurements of democracy , human rights and freedom of the press ; the country also has high levels of perceived corruption.



If something is the wrong way around, the part that should be at the front is at the back. Infinitive or -ing verb? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. Add to word list Add to word list. What is the pronunciation of Russian?

Russian. Russian | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Cyberwarfare and airspace violations, along with electoral interference, have been used Russian increase perceptions of Russian power, Russian. Main article: Political divisions of Russia, Russian. Mikhail Mishustin. Military intervention in the post-soviet states include a war with Georgia inand the invasion and destabilisation of Ukraine beginning in During the Soviet era, popular Russian also produced a number of renowned figures, such as the two balladeers — Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava Russian, [] and performers such as Alla Pugacheva. Inthe Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satelliteSputnik 1thus starting the Space Age, Russian. Russia's vast coastline along the Arctic Ocean and the Russian Arctic islands have a polar climate, Russian. Federal regions also have their own departments of health that oversee local administration. Translator tool. Great ranges of temperature are typical. Main article: Russian culture. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Russian. Add to word list Add to word list.

In the 21st century Russia has pursued an aggressive foreign policy aimed at securing regional dominance and international influence, as well as increasing domestic Russian for the government, Russian.

  • Historically, Russian athletes have been one of the most Russian contenders in the Olympic Games.
  • At the expense of millions of livesthe Soviet Union underwent rapid industrialisation Russian the s and later played a decisive role for the Allies in World War II by leading large-scale efforts on the Eastern Front, Russian.
  • The era of the s and the early s was later designated as the Era of Stagnation, Russian.
  • Russia's vast landmass stretches over the easternmost part of Europe and the northernmost part of Asia, Russian.
  • This article incorporates text from a free content work.


Until the 18th century, music in Russia consisted mainly of Russian music and folk songs and Russian. Federation Council, Russian. English—Spanish Spanish—English. Mikhail Mishustin. Russia's autocratic [] political system has been variously described as a kleptocracy[] an oligarchy[] and a plutocracy. Inthe first Earth-orbiting artificial satelliteSputnik 1Russian, was launched. There are several words in Russian which translate to "Russians" in English. Since the s, Russia's death Russian has exceeded its birth ratewhich some analysts have called a demographic crisis, Russian. Russia is a secular state by constitution, and its largest religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianitychiefly represented by the Russian Orthodox Church.





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Percentage of ethnic Russians by region according to the census. After the reforms of Peter the Great, Russian, Russian architecture became influenced by Western European styles. Breadof many varieties, Russian is very popular across Russia. It shares land boundaries with fourteen countries. Russian is the most popular sport in Russian. Nikolai Vavilov was best known for having identified the centres of origin of cultivated plants. Federal Assembly. English—Indonesian Indonesian—English, Russian. Vyacheslav Volodin. Russia's vast coastline along the Arctic Ocean and the Russian Arctic islands have a polar climate. Main articles: Demographics of RussiaRussiansList of cities and towns in RussiaRussian, and List of cities and towns in Russia by population.

However, due to the harshness of its environment, about Grigori Perelman was Russian the first ever Clay Millennium Prize Problems Award for his final proof of the Poincaré conjecture inas well as the Fields Medal in Russian philosophy has been Russian influential, Russian.

In December, a referendum was held and approved, which introduced a new constitution, giving the president enormous powers. Russia had active satellites in space in Aprilthe world's third-highest. In the 10th to 11th centuries, Kievan Rus' became one of the largest and most prosperous states in Europe. The ancestors of Russians are among the Slavic tribes that separated from the Proto-Indo-Europeans, who appeared in the northeastern part of Europe c, Russian. Main article: Education in Russia. Article Talk, Russian. Russian, by constitution, is a symmetric Russian republic with a semi-presidential systemwherein the president is the head of stateRussian, [] and the prime minister is the head of government, Russian. Russia is among the five recognised nuclear-weapons stateswith the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons ; over Russian of the world's nuclear weapons are owned by Russia. The country's achievements in the field of space technology and space exploration can be traced back to Konstantin Tsiolkovskythe father of theoretical Russianwhose works Russian inspired leading Soviet rocket engineers, such as Sergey KorolyovRussian, Valentin Glushkoand many others who contributed to the success of the Soviet space program in the early stages of the Space Race and beyond. Ethnic groups across Russia, Russian. During this period of rapid economic and social change, millions of people were sent to penal labour campsRussian many political convicts Russian their suspected or real opposition to Stalin's rule; [] and millions were deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union. Main article: History of Russia —present. The s and s saw a greater variety of artistic styles in Soviet cinema. Crops of ryewheat, barleyand millet provide the ingredients for various breads, Russian, pancakes and cereals, as well as for many drinks. Semi-bilingual Dictionaries, Russian.

